March 6, 2023, CCDS organized an online meeting of the project Peace and Security in the South Caucasus in the Context of New and Evolving Threats, which is supported by the GMF Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation and Implemented by the Civil Council on Defense and Security.

Main idea of the project is to promote regional dialogue based on reflection on current developments at the national, regional and international level among civil society and academics from the South Caucasus countries and to search for common ground and values, which will focus on achieving peace, security and development in times of uncertainly and crisis. The project will create a safe and trustful space, enabling participants to express freely their attitudes, expectations and analysis of the current situation. This way, it will also contribute to critical reflection on differences and commonalities between the three countries. 

The first meeting of the project was held online, through the Zoom platform. Shorena Lortkipanidze (CCDS) presented the project and its main aspects and then the participants had some time to briefly introduce to each other and share expectations for the project. In the second part of the meeting Ms. Lortkipanidze and invited expert – Mr. Michael Roberts facilitated discussion about the following question: The impact of the war in Ukraine on South Caucasus – What is current impact? And what can be potential impact?

Attendees included professionals of IR, conflict studies, defence and security fields of all three South Caucasian countries. Several more online meetings are planned in the framework of the project, which will be followed by a face to face regional conference in Tbilisi, in May.


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